Our mission is to maximize ESI User Productivity by offering a comprehensive Training Program including more than 80+ Courses and 13 Learning Paths to fit beginner and expert user needs. With close to 50 years of expertise in software application training, our training courses are taught by highly skilled engineers with years of practice and field experience. We appreciate that people learn differently so we offer both online and on-premise courses, with a mixture of theory and practical-based exercises to guarantee software adoption. Find the right training solution for you or your team to succeed on your digital transformation journey.

What can you expect from our Training Catalog?


  • Explore 13 Learning Paths designed for your growth.
  • Choose from over 80+ diverse Trainings.
  • Dive into 38 Industry Specific Trainings, with a focus on Automotive, and Aerospace.


Contact us

ESI Instructor-Led Training

(In-person Option)

Deepen your ESI solution skills with scheduled instructor-led courses in training centers or customer premises. Maximize ESI knowledge through live discussions of complex subjects, continuous feedback, and hands-on learning.

  • Well-equipped classroom in a modern training facility.
  • ESI training materials in electronic format.
  • 15-day test license to continue exercise after the training.
  • Group interaction and networking possibilities.

ESI Instructor-Led Training

(Online Option)

Benefit from guided training with hands-on practice and direct interaction right at your desk. With our virtual courses, we offer the same instructors, training systems, course materials, and personal support as in a traditional classroom, but virtually. 

  • No travel costs, no time away from your company.
  • ESI training materials in electronic format.
  • 15-day test licenses to continue exercise after the training.
  • Participants can see each other, talk to each other, and speak to their instructor via microphone and computer.